All-on-4 is a prosthodontics procedure that allows the full rehabilitation of a patient's dental arch. With All-on-4 denture implants, a full set of teeth is supported by four dental implants.
All-on-4 Dental Implant Treatment Cost
All-on-4 Dental Implant
Temporary and Permanent Prosthesis costs are included / Per jaw
German or Swiss Made
All-on-6 Dental Implant
Temporary and Permanent Prosthesis costs are included / Per jaw
German or Swiss Made
All-on-4 Dental Implant Treatment Cost
All-on-4 Dental Implant
Temporary and Permanent Prosthesis costs are included / Per jaw
All-on-6 Dental Implant
Temporary and Permanent Prosthesis costs are included / Per jaw
All-on-4 dental implants have been specifically designed and developed to allow dentists to replace teeth with fewer implants than conventional dental implants. The overall procedure is less intrusive and less expensive.
All-on-4 are fitted with four implants per jaw. These four implants are placed and will then support 12 custom-made crowns. In some cases, five or six implants may be needed to counteract lower bone density. All-on-4 consist of a gum-coloured acrylic base to resemble gum tissues, while crowns can be made of zirconia or porcelain.
All-on-4 dental implants are fitted at a 30 to 45-degree angle rather than vertically as regular dental implants. Angled fitting increases the strength of the implant. It also allows individuals with jaw bone loss to have implants fitted without the need for expensive and time-consuming bone grafts.
All-on-4 implants, often referred to as 'teeth in a day', offer an almost instant solution. Unlike traditional implants, where the healing process after bone graft can take up to six months, temporary teeth can be glued immediately after the implants are placed. Thus, by skipping the healing process of the bone graft, permanent teeth can be inserted 2 months later.
It takes a few steps to create a new smile with All-on-4 implants. Here's a breakdown:
There are three viable alternatives to All-on-4 implants, and your dentist may discuss them with you during your consultation: dentures, conventional dental implants and implant retained overdentures.
Dentures: Dentures are the least expensive option. They consist of an acrylic base, which is pink or gum coloured, and teeth made from porcelain or resin. Well-made dentures should stay in place without adhesive although this is rarely the case. They don't prevent further bone loss as All-on-4 do, and over time, they will become looser as the jaw bone diminishes. Dentures have to be replaced at approximately 5-year intervals.
Implant Retained Overdentures: Overdenture implants can come as a fixed denture or as a removable denture. Both types of implant dentures are better than regular dentures as far as comfort, convenience, and overall health go. Once a person has implant dentures placed, they'll need to take good care of them like with regular teeth. Overdentures have to be replaced at approximately yearly intervals.
Dental implants: Dental implants can be chosen when one or more teeth need to be replaced. They are the most expensive option for those requiring full mouth reconstruction. People with bone loss may require lengthy bone grafts before the implant can be fitted. Unlike All-on-4 implants, where teeth can be fitted the same day, there is a four to six-month healing period between the placement of implants and teeth. The overall treatment time increases significantly if grafts are necessary, and this can add to the cost.
It is extremely important to be on a soft diet for the first 3 months of healing. During this time your implants are integrating, and you're wearing a temporary prosthesis that is not meant to be used to chew hard or crunchy foods.
All-on-4 dental implants are meant to be a permanent dental solution. Your implants can last 20 years or more with proper care.
Recovery time for traditional implants typically ranges from three to eight months, but with All-on-4 implants, you'll likely recover much sooner. An All-on-4 system can fuse to your bone more easily than individual implants, which promotes better stability.
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