A Tooth Extraction procedure, more commonly referred to as Dental Extraction, is the removal of teeth from the tooth socket in the mouth.
Surgical tooth extraction procedure is mostly performed for removing wisdom teeth, damaged tooth root, denser-than-normal bone around the offending tooth.
Tooth Extraction Cost
Tooth Extraction
Surgical Tooth Extraction
A good surgeon will be able to minimise the pain you experience. However, this is invasive surgery, and it will involve a degree of pain - most of which comes after the procedure. Although most extractions are performed fast, complications can lead to longer surgeries. Most people are able to undergo surgical tooth extraction with a local anaesthetic. After an extraction, most people are left with an opening in their gum (where the extracted tooth used to be). You'll need to follow strict eating, drinking and hygiene guidelines for up to 10 days in order to allow the wound to fully heal. This might involve some disruption to your daily routines. You'll need to take care of your wound for several days after your surgery. Your surgeon will talk you through the recovery period before you go in for the procedure.
A good surgeon will be able to minimise the pain you experience. However, this is invasive surgery, and it will involve a degree of pain - most of which comes after the procedure.
It is always advised to brush while avoiding the area of extraction to ward off infections.
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